Sunday, June 14, 2020



    As we know that this is the era of science and technology and in this era the integration of technology in classrooms becomes  necessity for effective teaching that improves and enhance the learning, In the present era of globalization and innovations, technology is playing a vital role in all aspects of our life. In shifted paradigm of Education the technology is used in an up most level. In all the levels of education the educators are continuously work for the better outcomes for their students so that the students will be able to cope up with the demand of the current world. The traditional system of education was completely teacher centric, but today it has shifted to learner centric education where students can learn with their own pace with combination to teachers guidance.
The term assessment is a process where the most matured one i.e. teacher follows certain set of components to evaluate the students outcome. These components are including plan, do, check and act, through this components a teacher can assess a child’s performance. The system of assessment is also shifted toward the technical information or communication base i.e. from tradition pen pencil to electronic base. Although the earlier system is also available now hence the ICT base methods of conduction assessment is most fruitful to cope up with new inventions.

There are various types of assessments like formative assessment, Summative assessment, diagnostic assessment, prognostic Assessments, dynamic Assessment, Synoptic Assessment, criteria references assessment etc. 
The present article focus on the Computer Assisted Assessment, mostly the Formative assessment conduction through the use to technological tools, like Google form, Flubaroo, TestMoz, kahoot, plickers, socrative etc.  Formative assessment always gives one answer that is- How do we check for understanding of student’s knowledge in a classroom? When a teacher using formative assessment he/she always on a fact-finding mission.  source:  
Formative assessment helps the teacher to grade the students in an ongoing course that how much they are able to progress, who need extra care, who need more guidance etc.

Modern technology offers educators a variety of new tools that can be used in the classroom. Technology can help teachers track and assess their students' -- as well as their own -- performance in the classroom. It can also be used to facilitate communication between students and teachers and to create digital records of student growth and development that can easily be passed along from grade to grade.


Google form is the most effective assessment tool for assessing both formative and summative assessment. It is a free tool from Google that allow to create forms, surveys, quizzes and others. There are total nine types of questions format including easy type, check list type, multiple choice questions, paragraph writing, short answer type, checkboxes type, chose from a box, data type, scale type, grid type etc. the user can share the forms with others and allow others to complete the forms online. The user get benefited through collect all responses in a spreadsheet and provide helpful summaries of the collected data with charts and graphs.

Benefits of  Google Forms in the Classroom Environment

Google Forms can be used in several ways to increase classroom environment such as

·         Surveying students outside of class to learn about them as individuals,

·         Engaging them in class by collecting responses in the moment, and collecting their self reflections after a lesson.

·         The researchers as well as teachers create Google Forms survey to learn about their students’ interests, learning styles, and previous experiences.

·         By assigning the survey outside of class, it saves class time, decreases the amount of paper needed to be printed, and gives students more time to type their responses.

·         It is easy for an instructor to incorrectly assume that students do or do not understand the material based on the outspoken students who quickly respond to questions.

·         Instructors may move on from a topic when the majority of the class needs more help, or spend too much time on a topic when the majority of the class actually does understand but is not communicating.

·         The need for accurate in-the-moment feedback from all students can be addressed by using Google Forms as free clickers to involve all students in the learning and feedback process.

Benefits of Google Forms in  Assessment

·          Additionally, at the end of each lesson, students can use Google Forms to fill out a one-minute reflection to summarize the main point of the class and name one new thing they learned or the “muddiest point” of the lecture, which supports their engagement and the instructor’s ability to adapt the lessons to their needs.

·         Google Forms can also be used as an exit ticket or to check student attendance, especially in large lecture hall style classrooms where more than 100 students are present. source :digitalcommons


Flubaroo is a Google Spreadsheets Add-on that helps educators quickly grade and analyze online assignments and assessments, as well as share scores with students. It is the most supportive free assessment tool for teachers in making lesson plans, conduct test, take assessment, marked the students by giving scores, give feedback, reports and many more. It can help to auto grade quizzes in less than one minute for whole class and can send e-mail to each students with details report of their marks. Flubaroo helps teachers to grade multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blank assessments quickly. Data provided includes average assignment score, average score per question, flags low-scoring questions, and grade distribution. There is a process for individualized feedback to be sent to students.

More than just a grading tool, Flubaroo also:

  •       Computes average assignment score.
  • .      Computes average score per question, and flags low-scoring questions.
  • .      Shows a grade distribution graph.
  • .      Gives the option to email each student their grade, and an answer key.
  •       Send individualized feedback to each student

Benefits of Flubaroo

·         It is free and easy to use

·         It can save teacher’s time

·         Easy to grade answer key in just one click

·         Helps to make analysis and reporting quicker.

·         Get scores for each student, and identify students in need of extra help.

·         View average score, and a histogram of scores.

·         Quickly identify questions which a majority of the students missed.

·         Share scores with students via email or Google Drive, along with optional notes to the class and/or to each student.

·         Assign your own score to open-ended questions.

·         Send stickers and badges when share grades.


Testmoz is an excellent web tool that allows teachers, trainer or educators to create auto graded tests and quizzes. This application is designed by Matt Johnson, an undergraduate student at Washington State University, Vancouver.The strength of this application lies in its simplicity and user-friendliness. Testmoz supports 4 types of questions: True/false, multiple choice, multiple response, and fill in the blank. Each test you create has a unique URL which you can use to edit your test later on or to share with others,

Testmoz also provides detailed reports so teachers can analyze students scores and responses. Data from these reports can be easily exported and saved in CSV file. Password Protection is another excellent feature in Testmoz. It allows you to lock your test using a password so strangers can’t access it. Additionally, Testmoz does not require any registration, however registered members have access to more features than others. source educatorstechnology          

Benefits of Testmoz:

  • This is simple and easy to conduct as well as understood. 

  • The questions can be written in an form that the administrator student can easily sign in.

  • Teacher can protect the test through using a password

  • Testmoz is a good way to create multiple choice test because here the teacher can easily calculate the points of every students in a meantime.


Kahoot is a free web-based program that allows teachers to pose questions to children who then respond from a selection of answers electronically on their own devices. It records the answer each child gives to a question, as well as how quickly they respond, so teachers can use the data to assess their children. There are different types of Kahoots available; quizzes, surveys, jumbles, discussions and challenges. In this blog, the first in our Kahoot series, we’ll be looking at Kahoot quizzes and how teachers could use them to support learners in mathematics.

Benefits of Kahoot

  • Kahoot is flexible, it can be used in various subjects.

  • It is free for teachers

  • Here the player don't have to create an account

  • It can be works on any device

  • It is helpful for get students engage at the beginning of the class.

  • Students engagement is very high in Kahoot, because it is visual, fast paced, and different from the average day to day quizzes.

Kahoot Quiz:

A Kahoot quiz is a series of questions with between two to four multiple-choice answers to choose from. Teachers can create their own quizzes, duplicate and edit others created and shared by other teachers, or simply play Kahoots created by other users.Teachers set a game to play and a game pin is created and displayed on screen. Children connect to the game by going to and entering the game pin into the first box, then their name into the second. Once all children have connected, you’re ready to start the quiz.



  1. Maa'm it's very helpful to learner

  2. This article beautifully summarises the importance of technology and it's power of used wisely

  3. Quite informative.. good to know many things

  4. Informative content. Thank you for sharing.

  5. It's beautifully presented and very informative content .

  6. Thank you so much for this this. It really helpful

  7. Technology are indeed very useful
    Good article

  8. Well presented
    Kahoot Quiz is something new I came to know 👍🏻

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Greatly explained .... Looking forward to read more articles like this .

  11. Good one... Very helpful. Keep writing.



CONCEPT OF TEACHING: In our day to day life we have acquired certain experiences from various sources of knowledge and these kinds of source...